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The FDR Process
for Separating Couples

The process of FDR is very structured and streamlined. 

This is what makes it so effective.

Step 1  Individual intake session

This is where you talk about your unique circumstances and the issues and topics you feel are important to be resolved in your separation.


In the individual appointment your family circumstances are discussed and assessed by Rachael. Making sure that mediation is safe and appropriate will be one of the priorities of this session. In addition you will have a chance to talk about the topics that are important to you and your situation. We will discuss what you feel needs to be resolved so that things can move forward. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions about the process and discover what you need to do to prepare for mediation.

Step 2  Mediation

A very clear process will be followed involving joint sessions (if appropriate) and time where you can talk to the mediator alone.  An agenda will be set out and worked through systematically. 

On the day of the mediation the process will be fully explained and ground rules will be laid down. Both parties will jointly decide on specific agenda items at the beginning of the mediation. The agenda items will then be discussed in turn. With Rachael facilitating the conversation both parties will have an opportunity to talk about each agenda item. Each party can explain their points of view, express their concerns, and discuss what they would like moving forward. There will be certain times throughout the process where you will have an opportunity to talk to Rachael privately. It is important to note here that all decisions are made souly by the parties themselves. While a mediator can provide information they do not get involved in making any of the decisions or give any legal advice.

Step 3  Joint Agreement for Separation

A joint agreement for separation will be drafted in language that you can clearly understand. 

After each issue is discussed Rachael will facilitate negotiations to come up with a joint agreement.  This agreement will then be drafted.  If appropriate this document can be signed on the day.

Step 4  Written Copies

After reaching an agreement you will both be provided with written copies.  This agreement can be used when applying for court consent orders.

The heads of agreement can then be used to file for consent orders in the Family court.  I recommend all parties get their own legal advice before it is lodged with the Family Court.

Mediation Process
to Rebuild Relationships

 A structured,

facilitative alternative to therapy

Step 1  Individual intake session

In this session we discuss your situation and the issues you feel need to be addressed, to repair and rebuild your relationship.  We will discuss your needs both as an individual and as part of a couple. 


Step 2 Joint mediation sessions

There will be 3 x 2 hour sessions where together we will work through the key areas you have both decided on.


The process is very streamlined and focussed on rebuilding the relationship.  As your facilitator it is my role to ensure not only that both parties are heard, but that we stay on track- finding practical solutions to move forward.


This process requires commitment and motivation from both parties, and there will be practical tasks to do between each session.


Typically there will be 2-3 weeks between each session.



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